- MH: What What? You started working here again. How could this happen? What is this? Who let you be my son's secretary, who? 什么,什么?你又在这里工作了。这是怎么回事?怎么回事?谁让你当我儿子的秘书的,是谁允许的?
- If not, then you are doing what ? What should be done. 如果不是,那你现在在做什么?应该怎样做。
- What what secret recipe can eliminate fabaceous beans is there? 有什么秘方可以消除豆豆的嘛?
- Tinnitus what what method treats does hypertension have? 耳鸣又高血压有什么办法治疗的吗?
- What what mirror is the radioactivity intensity of material. 所反映的是材料的放射性强度。
- Eat what what medicine can let him to become impotent! 吃啥药能够让自已的变为不举!
- What what earth method treats rhinitis need not take too much drug? 有什么土办法治疗鼻炎的不用吃太多的药?
- Fretted recently uneasiness, what what method can loosen is there? 最近焦躁不安,有什么方法可以放松的吗?
- It is deflexion person suit in what what create in ceaseless reform.. 是偏转人在不断改革中所创造的适应...
- He gave a description of what he had seen. 他描述了他所见到的一切。
- She didn't attend to what I was saying. 她对我所说的话未加注意。
- I've got the hump over what he said to me. 我已经对他所说的很不耐烦了。
- A lot of patients appear on phallic glans erythema or hammock rash, what what him suspicion suffers from is venereal. 很多患者在阴茎的龟头上出现红斑或小丘疹,怀疑自己所患的是性病。
- What what disease can bring about a patient is splanchnic and all cankered and didn't appearance rot? 什么病会导致病人的内脏全部腐烂而外表没烂?
- Everybody makes mistakes.Everybody has those days.Everybody knows what what I'm talkin' 'bout. 每个人终有一天都会犯错。
- What what they face is bemused, tell well and truly, it is ideal and actual bewilderment. 他们所面对的困惑,准确地讲,是理想与现实的困惑。
- Service attitude is very good store, store enough big, goods of SAN marino, really want what what time to walk. 个人认为兴隆的东西都挺全的,质量也不错,但有些东西价格贵了些,不过其他的都能接受。
- MH: what do you mean soft? I'm the same. 啊,你说什么?我同往常一样啊。
- What what differ is, "Contest king " the way that the company grows is stridden firmlier it seems that, solidder. 所不同的是 ,“赛王”企业发展的路子似乎迈得更稳、更扎实。
- What what a pity is first half is wearing conservatively, has not been outstanding the mighty waves to be turbulent. 可惜的是上半身穿着保守,没有秀出波涛汹涌。